"Funny" Vagina Story
From The Big Vagina's Stories Page:
"My boyfriend and I were in my room one afternoon, feeling rather frisky. The only problem was that I was on my period - but we decided to have sex anyways. When we were finished I tried to turn over and I had a vaginal fart! (I'm assuming this was because of my period since this has never happened before.) Each time I moved, my vagina made a squishy/fart noise. The noises continued for about ten minutes. It was pretty embarrassing. But my boyfriend was nice about it, and we laughed for a long time. :)"Pussy is definitely noisier when it's really really wet, but I've never noticed a tendency to "pussy fart" more when I'm on the rag. For me the queeb (or queef) phenomenon is brought on by getting into certain positions during sex that allow more air to be forced into the vagina, and then moving into a position that forces the air back out. Obviously it would be louder and "nastier" sounding with a bunch of menstrual goo rattling around in there too, but the same can be said of a guy's spooge. I sure as hell can't fathom any pussy-fart lasting for ten minutes.