Well, I'm *still* tired.
I had a very unsatisfying sleep, much of it spent in pain from cramps. Because I was so tired, I couldn't rouse myself to take a pill until they were bad enough to keep me awake. So lots of dreaming, lots of waking up feeling uncomfortable, lots of going to the bathroom. I feel like my uterus has been constipated and is now about to take a dump.
Then I spilled my water all over everything on/by my nightstand and had to turn on the light and get up to clean that up.
I just want to sleep. To lay in bed. NOW. My cramps barely register on the pain-scale now that I'm on the pill, but if I remove relativism and just acknowledge them for what they are NOW, they are still painful and require extra helpings of tenderness and rest to make up for the lost sleep.
My eyelids are feeling very heavy.
I had a very unsatisfying sleep, much of it spent in pain from cramps. Because I was so tired, I couldn't rouse myself to take a pill until they were bad enough to keep me awake. So lots of dreaming, lots of waking up feeling uncomfortable, lots of going to the bathroom. I feel like my uterus has been constipated and is now about to take a dump.
Then I spilled my water all over everything on/by my nightstand and had to turn on the light and get up to clean that up.
I just want to sleep. To lay in bed. NOW. My cramps barely register on the pain-scale now that I'm on the pill, but if I remove relativism and just acknowledge them for what they are NOW, they are still painful and require extra helpings of tenderness and rest to make up for the lost sleep.
My eyelids are feeling very heavy.
I just wanted to say i think your site is awesome, i´m a woman and i´m from south america. I found your website, and i´ve been visiting it a lot, cause i really admire what you are doing here, something that´s is such a taboo (is that the right way to write it?), you are talking abut as the normal thing it is, i´m learning a lot from you, cause to me it´s not a comfortable subject, but i want it to be. CONGRATULATIONS, and don´t pay attention to people that think this is wrong, what you are doing is different that´s why people get scared or grossed out, but if they look further, they would see it´s really amazing.
Thank you very much! It's great to hear from another woman. Yes, taboo is definitely the correct way to write it!
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